Michael Schumacher Recovery, Condition Update: F1 Racer faces debt after losing endorsements? Medical Bills reported to be £100,000 per week

By Staff Writer

Feb 06, 2015 07:50 AM EST

The legendary Michael Schumacher is considered one of the best drivers in F1 racing as he was able to drive and swerve like a real master. But apparently, he was no match for the deadly slopes in French Alps. Even if he was wearing a helmet at that time, his head hit so hard that it resulted to severe injuries. This left him in coma for months.

Many of his supporters became worried because for a time, there was no certainty if he was going to make it. But a fighter that he is, he is slowly recovering and the latest news revealed that he responds using his eyes. Definitely, it is a long way for him to recover.

Because of the severity of the accident, there was a dire need for special medical attention. Only one can imagine how expensive Schumacher's bill is for his recovery. In fact, a source revealed that he spends around £100,000 in a week for his therapy. The reason why he stays at home and not in a hospital is that that doctors believe that the familiar surroundings in his home will help Schumacher in his road to recovery.

A report says that some of Schumacher's endorsements were pulled out. Because of this, the racer might lose a lot of money. But that doesn't mean he is going to drown in debt. He earned so much from his glorious days, it is more than enough for his medical bills and his family's everyday needs.

Others were mad at those who pulled off the racer from his endorsements. However, according to one source, his fans were unhappy at a mineral water firm for using Schumacher's face in their campaign. They find it inapproprate given the racer's condition. 

Michael Schumacher is still fighting for his life. Even if he may not fully recover and we can no longer see him race again, the most important thing is that he keeps on fighting. 

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