5 Essential Reasons Why Businesses Need To Upgrade Their Technology

By Eric Hamilton

Jul 15, 2019 07:17 PM EDT

In the business world, you will often hear owners live by the phrase, "If it is not broken, do not fix it." It is either they have zero ideas of how beneficial upgrading their company's system is, or perhaps they just want to save when money. Sure, in many situations this narrative can be true, especially if you are just starting new and still trying to cope up with the competition. However, when it comes to technology and the overall growth of your company, you have to step back and gauge the situation. Why? That is because embracing this narrative too much can prove dangerous. 

There have been countless incidents in the past that proved how essential technology is. For example, the infamous WannaCry ransomware attack in 2016. It spread rapidly around the world thanks to a deluge of security vulnerabilities present in older Microsoft Windows versions. Since then, Microsoft has been hell-bent at updating and improving their system in an attempt to steer clear from such catastrophe. 

So, what does this mean for your business, technology, and future? It only suggests that there is a need for you to consider upgrading your company's tech every now and then. With that said, let's take a look at some of the most important things to look out for when considering a software or hardware upgrade.

#1. Upgrade Your Technology If Your Business is Growing

Yes, that is right - it is imperative that you consider upgrading your technology if your company is growing. Rapid and consistent growth can be a double-edged sword. It can be good for the business, but it can also be fatal if not handled properly. And mind you, a lot of businesses across the globe are not prepared when it comes to company growth. 

For instance, your company is growing at an exponential rate, but your IT team is having a hard time pacing through with service level agreements. This is where you might want to take into consideration the idea of utilizing new technology like an incident management software, which creates and manages service level agreements for the overall improvement of your IT team's quality and speed of service. By introducing new technology, you can properly scale your business and avoid the pitfalls that business growth somehow brings.

#2. Take Action When Your Business is Struggling with Technology

Technology is meant to make the lives of everyone in this world better. Not only does it solve problems faster and smoother, but it also makes the workday a walk in the park. That is pretty much the reason why companies with better technology excel in the competition. Imagine yourself dealing with a company that has slow computers or lack mobile options for its employees. Do you think it can handle traffic growth, such as a sudden increase in customer and/or employee number? 

There are tons of significant barriers to efficiency and productivity. And if your company is not willing to take these barriers down, there is no doubt that you will suffer. If your business' website is not mobile ready, for example, your customers who use their mobile devices to access your site will find it difficult to navigate through the pages. If you notice your business seemingly struggling, consider utilizing and/or deploying new technology.

#3. Older Systems Can Lead To Decreased Cybersecurity

Unfortunately, the existence of Internet technology has led to the birth of data breaches and information hacks. All of these actually feature a common trait: hackers tend to search out and target older machines, specifically those with out-of-date software. Apparently, with these operating systems, they have not received the much-needed updates to combat data breaches and hacks. From critical updates to crucial security patches, hackers are given the opportunity to access and even compromise important data. 

Obviously, you do not want your business to deal with a breached network. As much as possible, you want to find a way to prevent it from happening right at the get-go. And your only way to do this is to improve your technology, so your company can better deal with these crucial events. Small to medium-sized businesses often suffer from technological oversight for reasons like not having enough resources. As such, they become easy victims of these hackers. 

#4. Newer Technology Leads to Productivity

If there is one thing older computers are infamous for, it is none other than their speed. They do not have the ability to run faster and be more productive when compared to newer hardware. From frozen windows to blue screens of death to recurring crashes, older computers are just a pain to handle. Unfortunately, they can lead to a significant decrease in productivity and company growth.

Imagine yourself in a situation where you are dealing with custom requests and inquiries while using an out-of-date computer. Do you think it can help you with these tasks, especially if it crashes from time to time? What do you think will happen to your company's reputation? Without a doubt, customers will start to complain and find it better to deal with a competitor. Just because something is not broken, it does not mean you do not have to consider fixing it - or, in a sense, replace it. 

#5. Steers Your Company to Better Directions

The number one of deploying new and better technology is to help your employees get their job done correctly and efficiently. If their laptops are not efficient, or the system they are working is not helpful, their overall productivity will be affected. The way they handle customer service, for instance, will be affected as well. And if they need to communicate something to another department, they will find it difficult to do so. So, where does this lead you? A spiralling down business, that is.

Sure, using and deploying a new tech can be quite costly, but it is worth it at the end of the day. If you want to improve your business processes, consider upgrading your tech. If you want to enhance company communication, upgrade your tech. If you want to help your employees become more productive, consider upgrading your tech!

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