
Google Announces $2 Billion Investment in Malaysia to Expand Its Cloud Footprint

Google has unveiled its plan for a $2 billion investment in Malaysia.

North Korea's Rare Critique of China Signals Discord Over Nuclear Weapons

North Korea's criticism of China's involvement in discussions on the Korean Peninsula's denuclearization highlights a divergence in views between the two countries...

North Korea Drops Hundreds of Balloons Filled With Trash, Manure Into South Korean Border

North Korea has escalated tensions with South Korea by sending balloons carrying what they call "filth and garbage" across the border...

China Creates $47.5 Billion Chip Fund Amid Semiconductor Battle With Joe Biden

China has launched its largest semiconductor investment fund to date to boost its domestic chip industry...

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Hyundai to Invest in Grab, Uber's Largest Rival in Southeast Asia
Hyundai to Invest in Grab, Uber's Largest Rival in Southeast Asia
Amazon Announces Its AWS Data Center in London
Amazon had already announced Amazon Web Service which has a wide range of services available from London.
Federal Regions In More Competitive Environment For Investment
Perry L. Pe, the president of the Management Association of the Philippines, said that businesses would thrive better if the government shifts to federalism. He said that the call of President Rodrig
Snow Storm in U.S
Snow storm had hit northern U.S that causes flights cancelled and other properties under thick snow.
Estimate Analysis
The RFC will be reporting its next earning early next year.
Wet and Dry Regions
Researches confirms that under the influence of glabal warming. Researchers said that as the temperature rises the wet regions get wetter and dry regions getting drier.
Economic Fund Awarded
The Capital Region had been awarded $83.1 milion for the economic development projects.
RF Target price
The RF had already received a recommendation of hold. The average target price for a year is now $11.44
Glencore And Qatar Pays $11 Billion In Rosneft Privatization Deal
Glencore and Qatar takes $11 billion stake in state-run oil producer Rosneft. Russian President Vladimir Putin personally announced the deal which is expected to close mid-December.
Climate Change Causes Massive Chunk Of Ice To Disappear From Polar Regions
A chunk of ice said to be the size of India has disappeared from the polar regions due to the exceptional warmth recorded this year. The report further calls for the growing concern on the worsening c
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